Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Betty Crocker??? More like little Paula Deen!! =)

Check it out!! I actually made a trifle and it turned out pretty good!!! This is a Gingerbread Pumpkin Trifle, from none other than Mrs. Paula Deen!!! I love love love her! Most of my recipes come from her! Yes I know they're probably dripping with butter and grease, but I don't care! Every once in a while won't hurt!! But isn't she a beauty? I'm almost scared to dig in it's so pretty! Ok just thought I'd share! =)

On a second note....it's almost Thanksgiving and me and my little one are sick!!! =P She has an upper respiratory infection and the start of bronchitis! Poor thing! And as for me I'm getting yet another cold!!!!! I never had so many cold and allergies until I moved to VA! But I'm praying we all get better before heading to Troy's mom's for the holiday!!!

Hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and EAT A LOT!!!! Then give thanks to the good Lord above for providing that food!!! =)

~Love, love, love~

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Running on Auto Pilot!

It's been a long day! Troy is gone for the weekend to Ft. Pickett for his OCS drill. =( It's so uneventful and boring when he's not here! Of course, Miss Kay keeps me pretty busy and keeps me company! Ever since she has been sleeping in her "big girl bed," she's been getting up really, I mean REALLY early for me! Some days she'll get up between 5:30 and 6:00 in the morning and Troy will have to get up and put her back to bed! But she only stays in there for about 30 minutes and she's back up. Usually, it would not matter, but since I've been so exhausted with this pregnancy, every little minute of sleep helps! One morning she woke up at 3:30, 4:30 and finally at 7:00. This is such a change for us seeing as how she always slept 12 hours no matter what time she went to sleep! You would think she should be getting up at night after we put her down, but it's the morning for us! Troy had to leave last night to be there for their early morning, and I think she had some idea, cause around 1:30am I heard the pitter patter of little feet and felt her climb up on the bed. So I let her sleep with me last night, thinking this might be a good thing hoping she would sleep later in the morning! But that's a no go, cause she was up at 6:30 this morning!!! I usually go to bed around.....take that back I usually have to go to bed around 9 or 9:30 because I'm so pooped from the day, but I didn't go to bed until 11, I just had to watch Lipstick Jungle! So needless to say I'm running on auto pilot right now! And by the way, she has not had a nap!!! She did fall asleep for about 20 min. on our way to Kohl's, but when I tried to put her down this afternoon for a real nap she didn't sleep! So it will definitely be an early night for us!!!!!!!!! Will this get better? Or am I dreaming? *wishin, and hopin, and plannin and dreamin...*

I'm starting to feel the babies move, or at least I think it's them! It feels like pressure and pushing from the inside.....let's just hope my gas is not this strong!!! =) I thought I shouldn't be feeling them for a while, but I definitely feel something down there! So that's a good thing, right? Doc said that I wasn't out of the woods for a miscarriage until 20 weeks, but if I'm feeling them move and stuff, shouldn't that mean they're healthy and that I shouldn't worry about a miscarriage? I'm trying to be so positive and keep my eyes on God, because he's the only one that will get me through this! I just keep praying to him that they are in His hands and that he'll keep them healthy and keep them in there for as long as possible!

Ok gotta feed the little one, but hope everyone is having a good weekend!!
Love love love!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fall fun outside!

She thought it would be fun to put her hat over her eyes and run for it! Mommy did not think it was so funny, after this picture was taken she ran smack into the fence! But kids will be kids...(no she wasn't hurt)! =)

Kay Kay riding her bike, trying to get "Sissy" (our dog, Sydney) to let go of the stick!

Since the sun was shining I thought it would be fun to go play outside! She thought so! Look at that face!! =)

Pregnant with TWINS!!!

Well, I'm 14 weeks and 5 days today! Only 177 days to go! At my first ultrasound appt, when she showed me there were two I about fell off the table! Wow, two babies at one time! What an amazing, but overwhelming feeling all at the same time! Who would've thought that I, me, could have twins! I always thought in the back of my mind that maybe I could have twins, but for it to be so real, it kinda freaks me out a little bit! But always in a good way! God knows what He's doing and it's all in his hands! Truly! I have what they call a double uterus and it's very small! Kay Kay was born by C-Section, because she was breech and didn't have enough room to turn. So they are saying I'm high risk not only due to that, but that I'm carrying two and stretching for two! YIKES! But I do know that the good Lord above never gives you more than you can handle, so here we go! I'm just praying that He lets these babies get more and more healthy everyday and keeps them in there for as long as possible! It's also scary because Troy is leaving for OCS (Officer Candidate School) in January to Alabama and will be there until the end of March! So if they put me on bed rest or I go into labor, I'm gonna need a lot of help! But I also know that God gave me great friends and dependable friends that live right here around me and I could not ask for more!
Here are some pictures of Kay Kay and of the ultrasound pics!

Welcome to our life! =)

Ok so I've started a blog about our family! It's so funny for me to actually say that I'm blogging! But anyway, I've seen a couple friends start one of these and I thought it would be a good idea for at least my family in Texas to see what we're up to these days! I usually have a lot on my mind and tend to talk to myself (no laughing)! =) But since I do have a lot on my mind this will be the perfect way to get all that out!
This is also a good way to keep up with what my little 'angel' is up to and how big she's getting! I have a scrapbook for her and I do love to scrapbook, but it just takes up so much time and I just can't seem to get up the energy right now to get it all out and start it up again! So this will be a good way for me to catalog her new discoveries and journey and for all of you to keep up with it too! Since I'm not working during the day, I figure I could write in this at least once a day, hopefully!
So for all of our friends and family not living here, welcome to our world! And to the ones that do live here, well, welcome to the chaos that you already know! =)