Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to our life! =)

Ok so I've started a blog about our family! It's so funny for me to actually say that I'm blogging! But anyway, I've seen a couple friends start one of these and I thought it would be a good idea for at least my family in Texas to see what we're up to these days! I usually have a lot on my mind and tend to talk to myself (no laughing)! =) But since I do have a lot on my mind this will be the perfect way to get all that out!
This is also a good way to keep up with what my little 'angel' is up to and how big she's getting! I have a scrapbook for her and I do love to scrapbook, but it just takes up so much time and I just can't seem to get up the energy right now to get it all out and start it up again! So this will be a good way for me to catalog her new discoveries and journey and for all of you to keep up with it too! Since I'm not working during the day, I figure I could write in this at least once a day, hopefully!
So for all of our friends and family not living here, welcome to our world! And to the ones that do live here, well, welcome to the chaos that you already know! =)


Pops said...

I Love you. Pops.

Kayce said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! Good luck with the twins! Twins are such a blessing and so much fun! Please please please let me know if you need anything!! I am not that far away!!