Friday, November 21, 2008

Pregnant with TWINS!!!

Well, I'm 14 weeks and 5 days today! Only 177 days to go! At my first ultrasound appt, when she showed me there were two I about fell off the table! Wow, two babies at one time! What an amazing, but overwhelming feeling all at the same time! Who would've thought that I, me, could have twins! I always thought in the back of my mind that maybe I could have twins, but for it to be so real, it kinda freaks me out a little bit! But always in a good way! God knows what He's doing and it's all in his hands! Truly! I have what they call a double uterus and it's very small! Kay Kay was born by C-Section, because she was breech and didn't have enough room to turn. So they are saying I'm high risk not only due to that, but that I'm carrying two and stretching for two! YIKES! But I do know that the good Lord above never gives you more than you can handle, so here we go! I'm just praying that He lets these babies get more and more healthy everyday and keeps them in there for as long as possible! It's also scary because Troy is leaving for OCS (Officer Candidate School) in January to Alabama and will be there until the end of March! So if they put me on bed rest or I go into labor, I'm gonna need a lot of help! But I also know that God gave me great friends and dependable friends that live right here around me and I could not ask for more!
Here are some pictures of Kay Kay and of the ultrasound pics!

1 comment:

the peterson family said...

oh my gosh...Congrats! Will this make three or four? So happy for you! Here is our blog!

I added yours to my blog list! Miss ya!